About Liz

Liz graduated from The University of Vermont and then went on to receive a Double Masters in General and Special Education from Bank Street College of Education.  She worked for Early Intervention, as an inclusion teacher and was the founder and owner of The Whole Child, a parenting coaching company. Combining her experience and her passion, Liz became a certified health, wellness, nutrition, and life coach.  She received her coaching certification from the Health Coach Institute. Liz is currently the founder and owner of Evolve with Liz and creator of the 90 Day Total Mind, Body and Spirit Transformation Program.

About the Program

Transformation doesn't happen overnight.  For me, it took some time. But as I evolved, and began changing one habit at a time, my mind, body and spirit, began to evolve as well. 

Life happens.  It gets messy and hard at times and the first thing we lose site of is the value of self-love and self-care.  If we don't make ourselves a priority, who else is going to?!  Taking care of ourselves, allows us to take care of others as well.  Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup.

Self-care isn't a luxury, it's a foundation.  Learning how to create routines that keep us physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy and strong, are critical.  These routines transform into habits.  That's the key to changing our lives and becoming better versions of ourselves.

If you want to change your life - you HAVE TO change your habits. 

We are all different.  Each of our bodies require different kinds of movement.  Our bodies require different kinds of food.  We de-stress in different ways.  Since our bodies inevitably change over time, so can our routines and habits.  A Health/Wellness/Nutrition/ Life Coach can help you listen to your body and guide you towards adjusting your habits, which over time, creates permanent habit change.  

Keeping our mind and body balanced can bring forth deeper passions. Some people enjoy yoga. Others prefer deep stretching or meditation. Tapping is a popular option. If you're not breathing properly, you're not taking care of yourself.  Breathwork needs to become a daily habit.   All of these healing modalities will help your body, mind and spirit release negative energy and open it up to receive more positive and balanced energy.  

Essential oils should be another part of our daily routine, as they provide incredible support for our physical and emotional well-being.

Building on the momentum with new habits will allow us to dive deeper into our personal growth and explore our purpose. Let me help you build these new habits that will change your life forever!